1920's Photos


  1. Merci! As I told you, I love your blog. And my Myspace friends also loves your blog more than mine lol.

    Please use if you find something interesting on my blog.
    The biggest reason that I started my blog is to share any kind of beauties. xxxx

  2. Thanks for your comment Takeo!
    May I ask you:
    Where do you find all these beautiful pictures you post on your blog??

  3. Oh as you already know, I have been in Myspace almost three years. My page has around 30,000 comments from all my friends.
    My computer has almost 10,000 pics from their posts.
    My friends loves arts and Vintage pics like you;)
    So, to be honest with you, these post what on my blog are from my friends who live all over the world.
    Im always wondering same thing that you asked me. lol

    Im living in Tokyo, I can find interesting images in lots of Japanese Blogs,Mostly they has Blogger as well.

    I'll let you know when I found some useful info;)

    You can use any images on my blog whatever you like to wherever you want ))) Cos there are not MINE lol.xxx

  4. Thanks for your answer dear Takeo :)!
