Coles Phillips - Good Housekeeping 1917


Clarence Coles Phillips (1880-1927) est un artiste et illustrateur américain.

Clarence Coles Phillips (1880-1927) was an American artist and illustrator who signed his early works C. Coles Phillips, but after 1911 worked under the abbreviated name, Coles Phillips. He is known for his stylish images of women and a signature use of negative space in the paintings he created for advertisements and the covers of popular magazines.

The Parting of Guinivere and Lancelot by Julia Margaret Cameron 1874


Julia Margaret Cameron (1815-1879) est une photographe britannique, surtout connue pour ses portraits de célébrités de son temps. Elle réalisa aussi des illustrations photographiques inspirées par la peinture préraphaélite anglaise.

Julia Margaret Cameron (1815-1879) was a British photographer. She became known for her portraits of celebrities of the time, and for photographs with Arthurian and other legendary or heroic themes.