Gloria Swanson by Marland Stone - Motion Picture 1926

Gloria Swanson by Marland Stone - Motion Picture 1926

Gloria Swanson, née Gloria Josephine May Swanson1 le 27 mars 1899 à Chicago et morte le 4 avril 1983 à New York, est une actrice américaine. Grande star du cinéma muet, sa carrière décline à l'arrivée du parlant, mais elle renoue avec le succès dans Boulevard du crépuscule (1950) qui la met en scène en star déchue du cinéma muet.

Gloria May Josephine Swanson (1899-1983) was an American actress and producer best known for her role as Norma Desmond, a reclusive silent film star, in the critically acclaimed 1950 film Sunset Boulevard.

Motion Picture 1922


Rudolph Valentino, (version américanisée et raccourcie de son nom complet Rodolfo Alfonso Raffaello Piero Filiberto Guglielmi di Valentina d'Antoguolla), est un acteur italien naturalisé américain, né le 6 mai 1895 à Castellaneta, dans la province de Tarente (Pouilles, Italie), mort le 23 août 1926 à New York (États-Unis).

Rodolfo Alfonso Raffaello Pierre Filibert Guglielmi di Valentina d'Antonguella, professionally known as Rudolph Valentino (1895-1926), was an Italian-born American actor who starred in several well-known silent films including The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, The Sheik, Blood and Sand, The Eagle, and The Son of the Sheik. An early pop icon, a sex symbol of the 1920s, he was known as the "Latin lover" or simply as "Valentino." He had applied for American citizenship shortly before his death, which occurred at age 31, causing mass hysteria among his female fans and further propelling him into iconic status.

Dovima by Richard Avedon 1950


Richard Avedon (1923-2004) est un photographe de mode puis un portraitiste américain. Il a réalisé un travail qui allait du reportage photo à la mode, des orphelins de Danang pendant la guerre du Viêt Nam aux portraits de Marilyn Monroe, Brigitte Bardot ou Sophia Loren. Il restera connu pour ses innombrables portraits en noir et blanc. Avedon a su faire du portrait photographique un art véritable après avoir initialement rencontré le succès avec la photographie de mode.

Richard Avedon (1923-2004) was an American fashion and portrait photographer. An obituary published in The New York Times said that "his fashion and portrait photographs helped define America's image of style, beauty and culture for the last half-century".

Coles Phillips


Clarence Coles Phillips (1880-1927) est un artiste et illustrateur américain.

Clarence Coles Phillips (1880-1927) was an American artist and illustrator who signed his early works C. Coles Phillips, but after 1911 worked under the abbreviated name, Coles Phillips. He is known for his stylish images of women and a signature use of negative space in the paintings he created for advertisements and the covers of popular magazines.

Painted for Palmolive Company by Coles Phillips


Clarence Coles Phillips (1880-1927) est un artiste et illustrateur américain.

Clarence Coles Phillips (1880-1927) was an American artist and illustrator who signed his early works C. Coles Phillips, but after 1911 worked under the abbreviated name, Coles Phillips. He is known for his stylish images of women and a signature use of negative space in the paintings he created for advertisements and the covers of popular magazines.

Coles Phillips - Life 1922


Clarence Coles Phillips (1880-1927) est un artiste et illustrateur américain.

Clarence Coles Phillips (1880-1927) was an American artist and illustrator who signed his early works C. Coles Phillips, but after 1911 worked under the abbreviated name, Coles Phillips. He is known for his stylish images of women and a signature use of negative space in the paintings he created for advertisements and the covers of popular magazines.

Coles Phillips


Clarence Coles Phillips (1880-1927) est un artiste et illustrateur américain.

Clarence Coles Phillips (1880-1927) was an American artist and illustrator who signed his early works C. Coles Phillips, but after 1911 worked under the abbreviated name, Coles Phillips. He is known for his stylish images of women and a signature use of negative space in the paintings he created for advertisements and the covers of popular magazines.

Coles Phillips


Clarence Coles Phillips (1880-1927) est un artiste et illustrateur américain.

Clarence Coles Phillips (1880-1927) was an American artist and illustrator who signed his early works C. Coles Phillips, but after 1911 worked under the abbreviated name, Coles Phillips. He is known for his stylish images of women and a signature use of negative space in the paintings he created for advertisements and the covers of popular magazines.

Coles Phillips


Clarence Coles Phillips (1880-1927) est un artiste et illustrateur américain.

Clarence Coles Phillips (1880-1927) was an American artist and illustrator who signed his early works C. Coles Phillips, but after 1911 worked under the abbreviated name, Coles Phillips. He is known for his stylish images of women and a signature use of negative space in the paintings he created for advertisements and the covers of popular magazines.

Coles Phillips - Life 1927


Clarence Coles Phillips (1880-1927) est un artiste et illustrateur américain.

Clarence Coles Phillips (1880-1927) was an American artist and illustrator who signed his early works C. Coles Phillips, but after 1911 worked under the abbreviated name, Coles Phillips. He is known for his stylish images of women and a signature use of negative space in the paintings he created for advertisements and the covers of popular magazines.

Coles Phillips


Clarence Coles Phillips (1880-1927) est un artiste et illustrateur américain.

Clarence Coles Phillips (1880-1927) was an American artist and illustrator who signed his early works C. Coles Phillips, but after 1911 worked under the abbreviated name, Coles Phillips. He is known for his stylish images of women and a signature use of negative space in the paintings he created for advertisements and the covers of popular magazines.

Gaspar Camps


Gaspar Camps (1874-1942) est un peintre, illustrateur et affichiste espagnol, rattaché à l'Art nouveau et au modernisme catalan.

Gaspar Camps (1874-1942) was a spanish illustrator.